بيان قدرة الشركة متوفر الآن باللغة العربية

أحدث وثائقنا التي توضح بالتفصيل قدرات شركتنا متوفرة باللغة العربية

تتضمن الوثيقة قائمتنا الكاملة من الخدمات والقطاعات التي نعمل فيها وما يميزنا عن منافسينا.

كما تم تقديم قائمة بالخبرات الأساسية للسنوات الثلاث الماضية لإظهار بعض أعمال المشروع التي شاركنا فيها.

للحصول على قائمة أكثر شمولاً بالمشروعات ، على مدى السنوات الثلاث الماضية وما بعدها ، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا

Corroconsult UK Limited Capability Statement [Arabic] resized.png

Company Capability Statement Released

Our latest Company Capability Statement is available in English.

The document includes our full list of services, the sectors in which we operate and what sets us apart from our competitors.

A list of recent key experience within the last 3 years is also provided to demonstrate some of the project work we have been involved with.

For a more comprehensive project list, for the past 3 years and beyond, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Cluden to Brighouse Bay Pipeline Project


Corroconsult have commenced their supervisory and consultancy role on behalf of Arup for the Cluden - Brighouse Bay Pipeline Project in Scotland, UK.

The project is to construct a 50km high-pressure steel pipeline between Cluden and Brighouse Bay in Scotland, including a 7.5km re-route of the pipeline between Cluden and Lochfoot.


This is the final step to complete the full twinning of the two gas interconnectors between Ireland and the UK. Twinning of the on-shore section, which feeds the 2 subsea pipelines in place since 1993 and 2004 respectively, will secure this vital link to the UK gas market.

The pipeline will also boost the operational flexibility of the Irish gas network which is essential to providing backup to intermittent renewable electricity generation. Natural gas, as the cleanest and most flexible fossil fuel for power generation, is an ideal partner to renewables as Ireland seeks to meet its energy and climate change targets.

The pipeline will be constructed using 900mm diameter high-grade steel pipe, buried to a minimum of 1.2 m below ground. Pipeline construction activities are being supervised by Arup and the main construction works are being undertaken by Sicim Roadbridge on behalf of GNI (UK) Limited.



New ISO Accrediation Achieved


As with the original ISO 9001 and 14001 Standards, Corroconsult have become among the first corrosion control companies to achieve the new ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 Standards for our Quality and Environmental Management Systems.

We also remain accredited to OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard for our Health & Safety Management System.


For copies of the latest certificates (following our most recent audit in February 2018) please click the following links;